Wednesday 13 January 2016

Bromance 愛上哥們 Show Biz Episode 13 Behind the Scenes Translation

So originally I translated some videos thinking they'd be the only Show Biz Episode 13 BTS videos...but they just turned out to be teasers of the love bento-prawn scene for the longer video....Here's the link to see the original Show Biz Episode 13 teaser translations which do involve a "kiss" between Megan and Baron.

The longer version of the love bento-prawn scene that were originally posted here also aren't in this BTS video. Show Biz merged the behind the scenes with the Episode 14 kiss....So you can view it when you read Show Biz Episode 14 translations. Also, if you enjoy these translations, why not check out the corresponding Men's Talk Episode 13 translations?

Collaboration credits: Shushu Yang

1. Filming the near-kiss nose-biting scene on the office desk with Megan and Baron

Commentator: Bromance fans should already know...

Commentator: That the nose kissing scene was created by Mr. 4D who added the scene himself.

Commentator: Since the Showbiz BTS Team is all so familiar with the bromance fans..We will reveal this section to the public, of course.

Commentator: The fantasy tale of the things that happen between the boss and the maid in the office...

Commentator: Yes. The beginning of the story starts from here.

-Cuts to Baron talking-
Baron: In a moment, how (shall I) give her the feeling (Gei Yu) (for the scene)
Reporter: How will you give it to her?
Reporter: How will you give her the feeling (Gei Yu)?
Baron [Orange caption]: By biting her nose
He turns to look at Megan, who is looking back at him pretending to be unimpressed.
[Black swirly thinking bubble on head]
She puts her hand out
Megan: Don't act this way
Then she covers her nose with her hand to protect it from him! 
She takes her hand off laughing.

-Cuts to Megan and Baron standing opposite each other. Megan laughs-
Baron is looking towards her.
Suddenly he lunges out and grabs her by the shoulders, pretending to bite her nose. 
Megan dodges him.
Megan: You have to stand in your position a bit more properly!

Commentator: It doesn't matter whether Mr. 4D really just likes joking around or not...

Commentator: It can't be left unsaid that this really will set up an extremely unforgettable, electric scene between the DuPi couple.

---Just look at him literally nose-bite her!---

Commentator: Especially when he becomes more skilful the more he practices. It's simply just like he's been possessed by a lusty, old boss. 

Commentator: Accidentally going overboard with the games in the scene leads (them) to be unable to stop (themselves) from laughing and to NG (No Good or blooper), la!

-Cuts to Megan and Baron doing the scene on the office table-
Baron, as Zifeng, lowers Megan, as Yanuo, onto the office table. As he does this, he's standing just in between her legs, and she kind of has a leg curled around him.

He lowers her so much that she's pinned against the table by his body and his face is just millimetres away. He's grinning and looks like he's about to kiss her, but then bites her nose cheekily.

Megan, as Yanuo, yelps: No, you can't!!!

Director: Cut!
Baron gives Megan a hand up from the table and starts laughing.

Baron, laughing: This is very realistic
[Red captions surrounding Baron: Laugh, laugh, laugh]

Megan laughs
Baron: Wait a moment. Your nose is still ok

-Cuts to Baron, as Zifeng, holding Megan, as Yanuo, by the shoulders and slowly edging her towards the desk, so he can lower her down and bite her nose-
Crew member: Three, two
Baron can't help but grin and laugh as he pulls Zifeng's actions
[Yellow and orange caption pointing to Baron: Accidentally laughed out loud]
Megan: What is it?
Baron waves it away: It's nothing

-Cuts to Baron as Zifeng, his body, laying full over Megan, Yanuo's body on his desk-

Baron, as Zifeng, is slowly leaning over her body and looking like he's going to kiss her when he pretends to bite her nose at the last moment

Megan as Yanuo yells shrilly: No, you can't!!!!
She pushes Baron, as Zifeng, on the chest, off her body.
Baron laughs [Green and red captions]: Will you die if you just let me bite your nose once?!
He laughs some more

Megan:  Won't I?

Megan turns to the camera laughing: He says I won't die if I let him bite my nose for a bit!

Baron comes back to hold Megan, standing once again between her legs, one arm around her, the other grabbing her wrist and placing her hand on his chest.

Megan: Will you really bite it?
Baron: Nahh...
Director: Nahhh...(He) Won't bite it

Megan to Baron: (Just) Then when you opened you mouth, you really wanted to bite, didn't you?
Baron doesn't answer but turns to the Director
Baron: Directer, was it ok?
Director [Orange and blue caption]: You laughed (had an NG)!
Baron grinning cheekily and walking back to his position with Megan: oh...ok, ok...
Megan laughs
He gets back to standing against Megan, who is on the desk. He pulls her wrist again and places her hand on his chest, ready for the re-shoot.

2. Baron mucking around telling people about his one relationship, trying to lick Megan's eye, running around the office and talking about his allergies 

Commentator: Honestly unable to contain his laughter, and NG causing, Chu Chu (Baron), actually does have a reason (to laugh). But when he explained the reasons out loud, everyone at the scene becomes peacefully silent.

Baron: I'm not good at acting out this type (of role)
He waves it off.

-Cuts to Baron talking to the camera, with Megan standing not far away staring absentmindedly into space-
Baron: I've really only just had one relationship before
Baron: So can only refer to that one relationship experience, taking it all out and using it here
---Hahaha, don't lie Baron, we all know about the girrrrlllssss---
Megan, who has been listening, is grinning in disbelief.
[Red caption pointing to Megan: Can't listen to anymore]
She shakes her head, grinning, and makes a negative sign with her hands.

Reporter: Do we really need to do such things to deceive the audience?
Baron, laughs and retorts innocently: I'm not (deceiving the audience)!
Baron: Do you see my nose growing any longer?
[Red caption: Really grew longer!)

-Cuts to Megan, next to Baron, talking into her drink bottle like a microphone-
Megan, jokingly announces:  Baron Chen's ex-girlfriends, all stand up!

Baron can't help himself and bursts out laughing. Megan, seeing his reaction, bursts out laughing too.

Reporter to Baron: Would you be able to stand it?
Baron laughs and coughs a little, not replying her question.
[Blue and white caption: Bro is pretending not to hear]
Baron is avoiding looking at the camera, looking instead at the other side.
Reporter: Not talking?
The reporter is trailing Baron around while he's avoiding them.
Reporter: What (should we) do?

Reporter: How are you going to defuse this embarrassment?
Reporter: Do it yourself?
Reporter: (We're) Refusing to leave
Reporter: (We) Must force him to answer
Baron, laughing sheepishly: Are you starting a student movement or something?

Baron, laughing sheepishly: (Do you) Need to gather so many people...?
---Hahaha Baron, you just shot yourself in the foot, there. But no point lying, we all knew about the girlssss anyway.---

Reporter: He said it himself...I didn't cause him to do it
The camera has panned to Megan who is getting a make-up touch up
Megan, looking amused: A student movement?
Megan to the camera, amused and scandalized: His ex-girlfriends can can form a student movement?
---Oh Baron, you plaaaayyyyer. Hahahaha. Not that I really fault him for his private life as long as no one was treated badly. I mean, I really don't expect any less from film stars. Even the ones with squeaky clean images. If I was them...young and good-looking and interacting with other young and good-looking people, I would be dating everyone. Just saying....I mean, think about how many amazing stars are in each agency----
Megan is walking away laughing and Baron is looking at her laughing.

Commentator: Alright. After all, Chu Chu (Baron) still has an image to maintain, (so) the behind the scenes Show Biz team has decided not to have a deep discussion about this issue with bro....But bro, (with) this skillful technique, you weren't really a eye doctor in the past?

-Cuts to Baron staring at the table and the Director talking to Baron-
Director: You said you wanted to bite her nose
Baron: Nooo....I (just) didn't know what to do

-Cuts to Baron talking to Megan-
Baron [Red caption with scandalised Sanlih bear mascot]: (How about) Sucking the pupils?
---Oh My. That's just disgusting!!! Just how did you pick up so many girls, Baron?!

Megan laughs
Baron, laughs Creating some new height for idol dramas

Baron: Sucking pupils
Megan is leaning against the desk with her eyes closed.
Baron: This (actually) has an origin, ok?
Reporter: How so?
A green and gold border pops up
[Yellow and white caption on the side: Professor Chen's Class. Lecture: The origins of sucking pupils]
Baron: Xu Zhimo...Wait, not Xu Zhimo...Hu Shih...
---Xu Zhimo was a 20th Century Chinese poet. And Hu Shih was a Chinese philosopher, essayist and diplomat.  I'm not sure what this has to do with sucking eyes, but I assume he had the eye disease and his mother sucked it out or something like that? Correct me if you know the actual story...---
Baron: Right? ...His mother...

Baron: This is a kind of love
Baron: Right...Pterygium disease (a kind of eye disease)
Baron moves towards Megan, going to open her eyes. Megan sits there amused.
Baron: Come...Don't move...
He is making her eye wider with his fingers, while Megan is sitting there calmly and letting him do it.
---Let me say, Megan's got game. I'd be freaking out if I was her!!!---

Reporter: Her contact lens...
Reporter: Are you wearing contact lens?
Baron is getting might close to her eye...
Reporter: Lick it...
Megan: No (I'm not wearing any)
Baron: What are you guys doing?
Baron: It's a type of expression of love
Megan, laughing and sounding a little nervous now: Hey! Have you been an eye doctor in the past?
Baron is opening one eye with one hand and has put the other hand around her neck to hold her.

Megan: So annoying!
Baron yaps: Don't move!
He sticks his tongue close to her eye, but withdraws in the end
Reporter: Can't do it!
Baron waves it off: Forget it
Baron: I don't have (any) love towards fish eyes and these types of things

Megan: I knew it
Megan: (So) I didn't stop him
Megan: To see what degree he would play up to

Megan smiles a cute, open-mouth smile at the camera
Reporter: So this is today's strategy
Megan nods and laughs.
Baron to Megan, an animated fire coming out of his eyes to hers: Are you challenging me?

Reporter: Correct
Baron: I will really do it!
---Hahaha, remember, he always does the real things to Megan...---
[Red caption pointing to Megan: In one second has weakened!]
Reporter: Eh?!

Commentator: Although we must really praise Chu Chu (Baron) for the effort he puts, rubbing (stone) until there's sparks, in his role on scene ---his dedication to really bringing out chemistry as his character---

Commentator: (We must also praise) Megan Lai's ability to take his tricks at any time. But seeing Chu Chu (Baron), working to no avail by himself on the filming of the drama scene, and being made fun of, is really very amusing. If Bromance fans don't believe it, why don't (you) come see for yourselves whether or not it's really very therapeutic?

-Cuts to Baron with a grin tapping Megan on the arm-
Baron, sounding like he's going to laugh: Accompany me to the office...Hurry up!
Megan laughs and say something I can't catch while Baron starts running around his desk.
Baron: Hurry up! Keep up!
Megan is laughing at Baron's jogging
Baron to Megan: Accompany me to patrol the office...Hurry up!
He runs around Megan is going round the desk again, making Megan laugh
[Black and yellow captions: Why are you busy going in circles by yourself, la?]
Reporter: Don't call him back

Reporter: He should go in circles a few more times
Another reporter is laughing
Another reporter: What's that?

-Cuts to a close up of a strange patch of skin on the back of Baron's neck-
---Ah, it's kinda gross...haha, skin problems make me feel all weird...---
Baron: An allergy
The camera changes to show Megan and Baron talking, standing face to face
Megan: That obviously is...
Baron: It'll happen when I'm too close to girls
Megan makes a face
Megan, laughing: That's obviously...a strawberry (a hickey or love bite)
They animate a little strawberry on his back
Baron, mock defensive: How so? Would there be anyone who'd suck on the back (of your neck)?

Megan makes a how-should-I-know-you're-the-expert look
---Hahaha, I love these faces that Megan pulls. They're always so cute---
Baron: It's from wearing a necklace, ok?

3. Megan and Baron filming the nose-biting desk scene again
Megan is leaning against the desk and Baron is standing facing her, looking down with a grin.

Baron: If you don't open your legs, I will
Megan laughs as he comes over and lightly kicks her legs, so that they're apart and there's room for him to stand in the middle. It a very teasing move and Megan willing does let her legs be kicked (lightly) apart.

---Oh my. This is just looking so bad. In a good way---

Megan is laughing, while Baron is grinning down at her

---Ahhhh, just look at the way he's looking down at her----

Reporter: Legs are open

Baron: Ready?

-Cuts to a different angle shot from behind Megan, with her and Baron in the same spot-
Reporter [Pink caption]: (He) Really has experience!
---Hahaha. This is how he rolls---
Megan makes a face of I'm-afraid-it's-true agreement at the camera
Megan, jokingly: No wonder...

Baron stands there arms folded looking amused at the camera and Megan is brushing her fringe laughing.
They animate a sparkle in his eye
[Green caption with horrified Sanlih bear mascot: This little reporter is scared!]

-Cuts to Baron walking around the desk to Megan-
Megan [Yellow caption]: Frivolous standing pose
Reporters: Right!
Baron: Once you've gotten a hold of the girl, you can be frivolous/flirty
---Hehe, this is the scene after the big confession and Yanuo accepts Zifeng---
Megan is laughing and the reporters laugh too
Reporter: Now you've already gotten a hold of the girl...?
Baron: That's right...And now it's ok be frivolous/ flirty
Baron: If you're being too serious after you've gotten the girl...(then), the girl will feel pressured
Reporter laughing: Is it really like that?
Megan, jokes: So it's like this...?
Director, from off-screen [Pink and orange caption]: Director: I've learned (a lesson from the master)
The reporter laugh and Megan turns around grinning
Director: We didn't know this before
Reporter, laughing: The Director has picked up a lesson
---Hahaha, someone has real experience...---
Baron grins

Commentator: We can only say that the more you watch the Du-Pi couple banter, the more amusing it is. But what's even more amusing is definitely being able to witness, with our own eyes, two high-level actors being at the scene and falling apart at the scene.

-Cuts to the Director coming out from the corner talking to Baron-
Director: The nose-biting part...
Baron, looking shocked, laughing, lightening bolts animated on him...he pretends to fall down: (I) Really have to bite her nose, Director?!

Megan is laughing and flattening her hair
Director: You won't bite it because she'll push you away beforehand
The reporter laughs...And Baron starts doing funny lunges.
Baron: Should I really bit her nose?
Reporter: What are you doing?
Reporter, laughs: Working out first?
Director: What are you working out for?
Reporter, teasing: If you're nose-biting, do you have to work on this?
Baron gets up and replies: I've never done it before. It's my first time.
---Hahaha. I might believe him on this one---
Reporter [Red caption]: First time again?!
Megan: You act like it is

Megan [Pink caption]: You act like it is
Megan makes a cheeky wide-mouthed laughing face towards the camera

-Cuts to Megan talking to Baron-
Megan: (So you) Really want to bite the nose, that's right...
Baron is putting a hand to his mouth and contemplating
Director [Orange, red, blue and green captions]: You have to remember that this action was set up by you two...
----Hahaha, outed by the Director, who is totally like, "Hey, I didn't force you guys into it. You just wanted to touch each other and nose-bite. Don't back out now..."---

Megan and Baron both make a sheepishly grinning face. Baron's grin is hilariously cheeky.
Reporter, laughs: Baron Chen set it up!

Baron makes a face at the camera
---Like, "This was meant to be a secret, damn it!"---

-Cuts to Megan and Baron in one of the most compromising poses as their characters-
Baron is literally standing, facing Megan, in between her legs, holding her back and one leg up around his body. She's leaning back a little casually on the table, looking up at him as he talks to her.
---This pose is totally raunchy---
Baron to Megan: Isn't your voice meant to break?

Megan laughing: I don't know (how to do it)
Megan, laughing: I really don't know (how to do it)
Megan: This way, I feel is a little bit...
Baron: You only have to take care of 'Much,' those two words ---In Chinese, the word more is made from two characters---
Baron: Make the crack there, that would be good
Baron: You just take care of those two words
Megan: Then when I say 'much,' you go down
Megan says her line as Yanuo, laughing: This seems a bit...
Megan says her line as Yanuo, a bit more seriously: This seems a bit...much...
Baron is looking down at her still a bit unsure what to do
Megan, with a grin: No...You give me a something/a prompt (when I say that)
---She means 'a something' to make her voice crack---
Baron, casually: Ok...Ok, no problems. Come.
Megan says her line as Yanuo: This seems a bit...much...
Baron has obviously been thinking about how to prompt Megan to yelp or to make her voice crack for the scene. He still has her in a very compromising pose with one hand on her back and one hand holding her his prompt after she says her line is to jerk her leg up to his body a bit more...Kind of like a bit of a thrust ----Hahahahaha dirty---- This makes Megan, who doesn't expect this, to laugh, which in turn makes Baron laugh, especially since he now gets what she's been after....which is a surprise which will shock her into cracking her voice.

Baron, laughing: Good! Ok...Ok...

Megan is laughing so hard she's doubling up

Baron, laughing and tapping Megan on her side: Good! I get it! I get it!
He goes back to holding her back and leg.

Baron teases: So it's this kind of giving (Gei Yu) method (that you're after). I got it!

Megan is making a shocked face, as if to say, I'm not asking for it!
Baron to Megan: When you say 'much'...

Megan: This seems like a bit...much...

Megan can't help but laugh now, thinking about the whole thing.

Baron puts his hand on her head and gently and carefully lowers her body down onto the desk below his so that he can lean over her and bite her nose.

-Cuts to Baron as Zifeng biting Megan, as Yanuo's, nose-
Megan: No, you can't!!!
Baron pulls Megan up, while Megan, as Yanuo, acts nervous rattling for the telephone

Director: Cut!
Baron is laughing and blocking his ears
Megan, as Yanuo : Hello, this is the General Manager's office?
Megan lowers the phone and laughs: My key must have been very high just now
Baron is standing in the corner visibly blocking his ears.
Megan, in a more jovial voice, talking into the phone: Hello, this is the General Manager's office?

She pretends to pass the phone to Baron.
Reporter laughing: Your key just then was really quite high

-Cuts to a closer shot of Megan laughing in response to the reporter's comment-
Megan: It couldn't be helped. That is, you have to yell shrilly before you can get up
Megan does a rocking upwards motion to show what she means
Megan: Getting up, that portion...
Megan: If't...
Megan: ...Can't get up
Megan starts walking away for a break
Megan: I must rely on and borrow from this strength.
Megan: You've misunderstood me...

Commentator: Honestly speaking, the Behind the Scenes team follow the Bromance team

Commentator: As they shoot the drama together and sense that the actors, the director and the crew members...

Commentator: Strike up many moments...

Commentator:  That touch and romantically-move people because of the mutual trust between them.

Commentator: Furthermore, because of their instance on focusing on small details

Commentator: It allows audience members to have more reasons to fall more in love with Bromance.

Commentator: Just like with the nose-kissing sequence.

---By the way, what is this look? I always like the way that he looks at her and holds her, whether it's just for a scene...or in real life---

Commentator: And just like the sequence where sweet guy, Du Zifeng, wants to help give Yanuo a message. Rehearsing the drama for half a day...All because he is mucking up this lightly-kissing the hand movement...Just how exactly (to perform it) so that it touches the insides of your heart?

4. Megan and Baron are rehearsing and filming the message scene as their characters
Megan is sitting in a chair, with Baron standing behind her, stretching his hands out, on top and over her shoulders. Megan laughs as he places them lightly on them. He starts to give her a massage, digging into her shoulders.

Baron: Her shoulder is still Ok
Baron: Still not really tight
Megan makes a face: For real?
Baron: You have tell me if there's anywhere that feels uncomfortable
Baron: So I can do the real (moves)
Megan: Gao Huang
---This is an ancient Chinese medical term indicating an important acupuncture point that is pretty hard to find---
Baron: Really tight...
Megan looks worried
Baron, teasing with a laugh: I'm already saying my lines, Miss...
Megan laughs sheepishly

Megan mutters: You really are very good at it
Megan jokes: I just want to let you press down a little more...You are...

Megan is now running her lines as Yanuo: You are really good at massaging
Baron, as Zifeng: When I was little...I often gave my parents a massage
Baron, as Zifeng, is still giving Megan, as Yanuo a massage and she looks happy as she figures out her lines.
Megan, as Yanuo, after a pause: No wonder you're so good at massaging
Megan, as Yanuo: It's really very comfortable
Baron is looking down at his script 
Megan, making a massage motion with her hands: There seems to be one (a move) like this
Megan to the Director: And then I won't grab his hand...
Megan, pretending to kiss Baron's hand: But will directly kiss like this and let it be
Baron: Kiss on the arm
Megan facing Baron's hand again: But I think...

Megan to the Director: That the feeling of kissing this way is better
Baron: You can lick
Megan ignoring him and going on with a grin, holding his hand: This way has a type know...
Megan is holding his hand with hers and making a face trying to express her thoughts.

Baron tries to suggest wording [Black caption]: It's a bit weird
Megan: It's a bit feminine ---I think she says something along those lines. Don't quite know those words---
Baron: It doesn't matter
Baron: I'm just a lady
[Blue and pink caption: Bro really loves acting as a lady]
Reporter: You are
Megan picks up his hand and gently kisses it for real
---Hahaha, did she even have to do that? No. But she did. So much luuuuvvvv---

They both finish off the scene with subtle smiles...

-Cuts to Baron coming over to the cameras while Megan and The Director are talking in the background-
Baron: I am so manly
Reporter: What's this?
[Blue caption with heart: Very manly]
Baron: But that type of feeling...I feel it's weird...
Reporter: What's weird about it?
Baron: Because girls only tend to butter up/ act coquettishly
Baron: Girls don't normally act this way, right?
Baron: Girl will be like...
Baron leans down to the desk light and pretends to kiss it like it's a hand.
Baron: Baby...

He pretends to kiss it and look shy
Baron: Like this way, right? At most, in this way
Baron: Just about
Baron: Am I right? At most, girls will act this way
Reporter: That is, (when) kissing hand?
Baron pretends to be a girl again and leans down towards the desk light one more time.
Baron: Baby
Then he leans down and kisses the desk lamp.
Baron gets up making a face: Girls wouldn't act this way, right?

Reporter: You have more experience, la
Baron looks up with a straight face
Baron: I'm telling you
Baron: I've only had one romantic relationship
[Red caption:]

Commentator: The topic about Baron Chen having only one romantic relationship, this little reporter really can't continue on with. It doesn't matter, let's skip it first. One second prior, Chu Chu (Baron) was just kissing, the next second "Do you have a problem?"

-Cuts to Baron talking to the camera, Megan close by-
Baron: Using my one good pointer
Baron with a cheeky grin puts up a finger at the camera...but not his middle finger. One of the side fingers.

Baron sways around happily
Reporter: (You) Scared me to death
The reporter laughs as Baron continues to brandish that finger around. 

Commentator: So turns out he was talking about massage, la! (We) believe Bromance fans, like this little reporter, experienced their hearts accidentally  skipping a few more beats. But speaking of Massage, The Du-Pu duo regard themselves as experts, one using their one good pointer and (the other) Megan Lai, having her parents guarantee that her skills are good enough to open a massage parlour. So now Master Chu, what is your experience...?

-Cuts to Megan turning to talk to Baron-
Megan: Do you want me to return the favour?
Baron: Using what method?
---Hahaha, what method do you want?! Bedroom favour?!----
Reporter: Massage, of course! What else were you thinking of?
Baron: I...
Reporter: Hurry up, hurry up...
Baron: ...I...
Reporter to Megan: You're really good at massage
Reporter to Megan: What do you rely on?
Megan: I exercise my thumb
Reporter: Thumb. And just then, he was (using his)...
Baron: Actually, she must still be Ok
Reporter: Why?
Baron: Because her thumb is big
The reporter laughs
Baron: Her head is big ---I think he means the crown/head of her thumb---
Reporter: Her head is big?
Baron: It's not's very good
Baron: She has her own method
Baron: This type of method I can also accept
All this time Megan has been massaging his shoulders not really joining in and letting him ramble on.
Baron: This type of method is just...
Baron: Her type of method is classified as...
Baron: When you're exhausted and then you allow her to massage...
Baron: She can push away your tension

Baron: But...
Reporter: Ohhh, using (the method of) pushing away your tension...
Megan, showing Show Biz people: And then you do...
Baron: But her kind of method is a bit tricky
Megan: How so?
Baron: But that's Ok...When you're very tired...
Baron: When you're tense, and you let her massage...
Baron: Because you're (already feeling) tense...
Megan: Because when you're pressing like this, (you'll) feel more immersed the more you massage
Megan: As you grant more, your strength will become greater
Baron: It's when you're very tired..
Reporter: But most (massages) are like this ----or are for this purpose---
Baron: Huh?
Reporter: Most people massage this way
Reporter: Don't like it?
Baron: Girls...I really...
Megan: You don't like it, right?
Megan: You want to be this way, right?
Baron: No...(I mean) girls' strengths are actually at...
Baron:...Are maybe just...
Megan laughing: My strength is too great!
Reporter: Is it?
Baron laughs sheepishly [Green caption]: It's still good

They stop and Baron gets up
Baron: Very good! Very good!
Megan makes a who's-the-master face.
Baron: You actually have a style/ a school of thought/ a following
Megan bursts out laughing
[Blue caption: Even has come about with a following]

Commentator: As I've said, it doesn't matter if Du-Pi is bantering or flirting

Commentator: However way you look at them, (you) won't get tired (of them). So lastly, (we're) giving (you guys) this little present. Just don't blame this little reporter for not calling this to your attention in advance. Ah yes, quickly put on your sunglasses...

-Cuts to Megan sitting in her chair with Baron standing behind her, hands on her shoulder-
Reporter: What were you just doing?
Baron: Practicing lines
Reporter, teasing: Then practice one more time (for the camera)
Megan laughs
Reporter, teasing: Then practice one more time...

-Cuts to the same position, Baron talking-
BaronHow could we let you know what we've been talking about?
Megan, laughing: You are...
Baron: How could we let you know what we're doing?
Baron looks down tenderly at Megan: Right?

Megan nods, looking amused: Mmm
Baron grabs her face and tilts it up, much to her surprise.
Reporter: You're co-ordination levels are of a really high level...
Megan's eyes widen as she gets surprised by what Baron is doing

Baron leans down and cups her face and puts his face to hers, making it look like they're secretly kissing, his hand shielding where both their faces meet.
[Pink captions: Hearts float around them]

He stays there for awhile pretending to kiss Megan, nuzzling into her face.

As usual, Megan lets him have his way with her. She looks totally chill as he pulls away.
---Hahaha, she totally enjoyed it---

Megan, grinning and pointing casually with both hands: Double cameras, you.
Baron laughs

Commentator: Warning! Warning! Du-Pi are overly flirty at the scene.

Commentator: (They) Get one yellow card.

Commentator: What? Continuing more, there's still more...?

-Cuts to Megan in that position leaning on Zifeng's desk and being pinning against it by Baron's body. He's holding her too-
Megan is looking at the camera with a cheeky grin, her hand lightly above his chest.

Baron: What is it?
Megan is laughing cheekily laughing up at him
Reporter: Are you touching him? Do you feel anything?
Megan looks to the camera with a mock serious face nodding.
She makes a thumbs up sign

Megan puts her hand back on his chest and makes little faces as if to trying to come up with the words to describe his heart movements.

Baron: I want to jump
Baron looks down grinning
Reporter, jovially: Then jump. Hurry up.
Megan, who took her hand off when he moved, says: Go on
She's kind of got a finger on his chest though
Baron: You have to touch (me). I don't have any other way of doing it.

Megan who had been poking his chest gently, looks up a little surprised
---Hahaha. Oh Baron. Are you saying that your heart goes faster when she touches you?!---
Reporter: Didn't you say you wanted to 'jump' by yourself?
Reporter: Now you want others to touch you...
Baron is looking at the reporters while he casually grabs Megan's hand and places it on his chest.

Reporter: Can't it jump by itself?
Megan does a little jumping motion with her hands
Reporters: Right
Baron: It can
Baron makes his chest muscles move
[Yellow line captions emphasise this]
Megan makes a surprised face at the camera

Reporter: Ah! It is (happening)
Baron: You can see it now, yea?
Baron laughs [Pink caption]: I am this shy

Commentator: Since Baron's chest has been approved by Megan, (who said) his chest is really good....Well, what are you waiting for? Just do it in one go, pay your debt in full...If the Bromance social media website breaks 200,000, you have to promise to take your clothes off, yea?

End of Translations. Ah this video really was really not safe for work or public spaces either. I mean it was innocent enough...but all that raunchy positioning and flirting and anyone walking past would totally think you were watching two people getting it on in an office...


  1. Thank youuuu <3
    Haha, we so knew the shrimp skit was their idea :D They never disappoint XD
    Your translations are amazing, thank you so so much :)))

    1. Hehe. I just can't stop translating anymore. The two of them are just too amazing.

  2. Thanks Jen. Your observation was gold.

    1. Haha, I'm glad I got the eye for making golden observations.

  3. thank u for translating this Jen and kiraning are the best!

    1. Thank you! Kiraning is pretty awesome, isn't she?

  4. Two of them are so funny, so caring, so coordinate, so hot, so sexy..... Thanks JenL for translating.

    1. Hot is definitely the right word. They just keep burning up the screen together!

  5. JenL you don't stop translating and I don't stop put your awesome sub in video, thx a lot :* It is addictive does it not? ;)

    1. Shame about your videos! But at least the translations are all still here :)

  6. thanks for translating! anybody else think Meghan looks just adorable in theses pics? especially in the thrid photo? gosh so gender confused.

    1. I agree...she's always adorable :) Watch Bromance enough and you no longer question your crush on Megan just become like like her whether she's a guy or girl.

  7. omg full of dirty stuffsssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha these two!! thanks jenn!-miralocco

    1. Haha dirty is the only way to roll with these two ;)

  8. i got a crush on both... for megan she's handsome and pretty..for baron, he's definitely charming... hopefully they could do a movie together...
